Retainer Care
Retainer Care - Removable
To clean your retainer, rinse it with water once you remove it from your mouth. Brush your retainer with toothpaste and don't forget to brush the roof of your mouth as well. If you are instructed to wear your retainer only at night, please keep the retainer in a cup of water during the day. You are given a special case for your retainer- please make sure to keep it in the case when not wearing it! It's important to keep your removable retainer away from heat, so the appliance will not become distorted - NEVER BOIL IT! Also, make sure to keep it away from pets, so it does not become their new chew toy.
Retainer Care - Bonded
You can brush your teeth and gums as usual, but flossing has to be done more carefully. Because the bar or flexible wire is in the way, you cannot bring the floss down between the teeth in the usual manner. If you can thread your floss from the front under the reatiner wire, fine; otherwise, you will have to use a floss threader or special Super Floss (available in our office). If you have difficulty, please call us. Be sure to tell the dentist or dental hygienist who regularly cleans your teeth to be ever so careful of your new retainer.